Tag: mistborn

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

Podcast Episode – The RPG Interview Room: Mistborn Dice with Alex Flagg

The Mistborn Dice Kickstarter project is the latest and most recent project by RPG publishers Crafty Games. The creators of the Mistborn Adventure Game, based on the novels by author Brandon Sanderson, also released a series of customised dice at the time of releasing the game just over two years ago. Those dice flew off…
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Podcast Episode The RPG Interview Room Terris: Wrought of Copper with Alex Flagg and Logan Bonner

The Mistborn Adventure Game, published by Crafty Games, took the world created by Brandon Sanderson and turned it into an excellent game. And I mean really, really excellent. Now they’ve published Terris: Wrought of Copper out with a new supplement for the game that explores and expands on the canon of the world and cities…
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The G*M*S Magazine Podcast – Episode 70 with Daniel Solis

Episode 70 has arrived, slowly but surely, just like Christmas approaches. And since that means you’ll want to give your loved ones as much as you can. Obviously your not-so-loved ones won’t get a thing. Mine don’t. So to make your life a lot easier, Jenn, Vickey and myself have put together a list of games we think you should get. Or that someone should get for you.

Mistborn Adventure Game: Corebook

The Digital Edition of the Mistborn Adventure Game includes all content from the Softcover Retail Edition, as well as an exclusive novella, A House of Ashes, written by some of the hottest talent in gaming.

A House of Ashes

If you follow at all the website, the podcast or our Twitter account, you must be aware that The Mistborn Adventure Game is one I am very, very keen on. The whole premise of the game is just very appealing, and the fact that it was written by Brendan Sanderson, it’s kind of all anyone should need to know the setting will be teeming with imagination.