Tag: dungeons

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews


The Pdf for the rural village Swallowfeld consists of 37 pages: 1 page front cover, 1 blank page on the inside of the cover, 3 pages credits, 1 page SRD and 1 page back cover.

Human Behaviour – Those Pesky Humans!

Dungeon crawlers come in many flavours; there’s your classic hardcore adventures like Descent, filled with statistics and many different coloured dice. There’s also D&D, of course, either in it’s ‘proper’ RPG form or the recently released streamlined variant that is Castle Ravenloft. If you’re after something a little more accessible, you could do a lot worse than hunting down a copy of the wonderful HeroQuest – one of the first ‘big’ games I ever got as a child, and one I still love to this day. I recently spoke with James Mathe from Minion Games, a new-ish company based in Wisconsin in the United States. We discussed what they’re up to right here (have a look, it’s very interesting!) and covered a game they put out last year called Those Pesky Humans. While it may look cutesy, it actually falls somewhere between the three games I mentioned up there – TPH is the very definition of not judging a book by the cover…

Heroes of the Fallen Lands

D&D Essentials are a new product line designed for new players. It boils down some classes to a single new build (sometimes two) with the express interest of making the game easier for new players to get involved in 4th edition and to create a new baseline for players to build from. The Essentials line comes in three parts: the part for everyone, the part for Players and the part for the GM. The part for everyone includes the new Red Box, the Rules Compendium and the official dice set. The Players books are Heroes of the Fallen Lands and Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdom.

Dungeons and Dragons Starter Kit

ders of this blog already know, I’m not a big fan of the current direction of Dungeons & Dragons, an opinion I’ve held sincebefore the release of D&D IV. I was happy enough with the early days ofD&D III, but my mood changed for the worse around the time that v.3.5 was released, kicking off a quest of exploration that eventually landed me where I am today.

Pathfinder Vs. 4e

Pathfinder versus 4e: the battle for the heart of D&D Have we finally reached that point of schism, that Reformation moment when a religion splits apart into two distinct camps? Has the creative force behind the D&D game finally got to that Martin Luther point, that hammering of the 95 Theses into the door of…
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