Tag: d20

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

D20 Cartographer: Cleric’s Cathedral Map Pack

A fine cathedral to preach the good news about your deity, engage in intrigue or whatever else you want…

Paladins: Damned if you do, damned if you don’t!

I have always liked Paladins. The first ever character I played was a Paladin. The current character I am playing is Paladin. In the nearly 20 years I have been playing Role Playing Games, I have played Paladins, Knights and other moralistic and ethical type of military characters when available and if appropriate.

The Great City Campaign Setting

This campaign setting/city source book from 0one Games is 162 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page blank inside front cover, 1 paged editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page SRD, 1 page advertisement, 1 page blank inside back cover and 1 page back cover, leaving a whopping 154 pages of content for us to lose ourselves in, so let’s check it out!

Fell Beasts: Volume I

This pdf from Adamant Entertainment is 22 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page SRD, 1 page editorial, 1 page advertisement, leaving 18 pages for the monsters, so let’s check them out!

First of all, I do know that this book has been published in the very beginning of PFRPG and thus suffers from some problems of the first publications for any system. I picked this along the other books up at a fire-sale and thus didn’t pay full price. The 3 fell beasts-files have since been lying around on my HD and I only recently unearthed them. So, how well has this book aged? Let’s take a look at the critters:

Raging Swan Press: Dual Format PDFs

Everyone at Raging Swan Press (well, me) have got IPads and use them regularly in-game. As well as referencing a number of jolly useful apps, we use them to access a wide-range of PDFs. Sadly, while doing so we often get frustrated by the time it takes to render each page (particularly if there are…
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