The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 83–Handling Difficult situations at the table

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

bullyWelcome back everyone to a new, shorter episode of the podcast.

First of all in this episode we announce the winner of our “leave us iTunes feedback” competition. Cloudster, you’ve got yourself a prize!

We also talk about Tabletop Day, the new, and rather awesome, initiative by the nice guys at Geek and Sundry, to get us gamers to go out and play somewhere else: A public space! Video below!

And our topics for this episode are “How do you handle difficult situations at the table” and “how do you protect your game”?


Hope you enjoy the show!

As usual, any feedback can be sent to and we very much look forward to hear what you have to say!


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