Category: RPG Podcasts

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

Conpulsion Episode 3–Italic Pig with Kevin Beimers

Third in the series of episodes from Conpulsion.

This time I bring you, with out most pleasure, an interview with Kevin Beimers, the mind behind Italic Pig. I could tell you what that is, but Kevin explains much better than I could during the interview.

Not an interview about RPGs or Board Games, but about videogames for the mobile platform, but I think you’ll find it interesting. Or I hope you will!

Conpulsion Episode 2–Landscape art with Paul Bourne and Paul Canavan

Second episode from the panels that took place at Conpulsion. Landscape art with Paul Bourne and Paul Canavan.

Both artists have extensive experience in creating landscape art in Role Playing games and Videogames and they’re only so happy to talk about their experiences, landscapes, software and the work they’ve done.

And with good reason. They’re bloody brilliant!

Conpulsion Episode 1 – World Building

I could tell everyone that I’ve been to Conpulsion. Again. But it’d be annoying because I keep going on about it. But that’s because it’s a great convention!

Anyway, while over there, I recorded some audio of the seminars – some of the seminars, that is – and I thought someone might be interested in them.

So here is the first of them and I’ll be releasing the rest as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, hope you enjoy this seminar about World Building with Ian Lowson, Phil Harris and Kevin Beimers!

The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 94–Shadowlands with Chris Merwin

Although not everyone is keen on Kickstarter, it can’t be argued that it has helped a lot of projects that otherwise wouldn’t have seen the light of day.

Whether that is a good thing or not, depends on how much you like those products and whether those products are out already or not.

Shadowland is a weird mix of both circumstances.

The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 92–Crit Juice!

In this rather awesome episode, I bring you Matt Buchholtz, the second more difficult to pronounce surname I’ve ever had in the podcast, and the first member from the Crit Juice actual play podcast to come and talk to me.

Crit Juice is a actual-play podcast with a difference or two, though.