Podcast Episode – The Boardgame Review Room: Dr. Hrubec

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

pic1769895_t[1]Dr. Hrubec is a party game from The Czech Board Company that was released at Spiel 2014.

One of the cool things about this organisation is that they get together with designer in the Czech Republic and when they find a game they think it’s worthy, then they gather the funds and publish it.

In 2013 they released Infarkt, a game that tests your healthy lifestyle and, if you’re unlucky, you get a heart attack. And then you lose the game, of course.

In Dr. Hrubec you take the role of a doctor who has to organise an area of a hospital, choose patients and see if you have the skills to cure them. If you do, you get points, if you don’t, they die and you lose points.

Yeah… it’s pretty grim and very adult. With really funny and sometimes offensive artwork, this game requires you to have a rather thick skin.

But is it fun and a good game?

Well, in this episode we tell you all about the experience of playing this game for the first time!

Hope you enjoy the show!

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