Category: Card Games

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

Tooth And Nail: Factions

Well, as usual, Small Box is up to no good. First, they make this killer game called Omen: A Reign of War which took everyone by surprise and turned into the “out of left field” smash card game of 2011. I mean, if ever a game needed an iOS app, it’s that one. And then they delivered Hemloch, an odd little card game with an odd little theme that is oddly, pretty fun. So, I was kind of thinking they were due for a stinker. I mean, we’ve loved most of what came out of the joint for a while, and then came Tempt, one of the most truly awful games I’ve ever played…with a rulebook so bad that it was incomprehensible. But John Clowdus and Company are, by and large, batting close to 1000. So, here comes Tooth And Nail: Factions (TANF), which has what I think is the best art and theme to date out of the company. “But how does it play?” you ask…well, let’s talk about that.

Blood Bowl Team Manager

Before I start, I just have to say, I love me some Blood Bowl! I’ve been a fan since I was a teenager and still have the same set that I bought back then. I’m going to show my age a little here, but not in old way and say I just missed out on the kick ass foam board, and had to settle for card. This didn’t stop me and my high school wargaming group buying three teams each and running so many leagues we actually had promotions and relegations, with knock-out championships and a lucrative transfer market, even though we could only get together to play on weekends.


This game comes from a Spanish company called Homo Ludicus(yes, yes… I can also make tons of jokes about the name and no, none of them were that funny) and, although you wouldn’t be blamed for not knowing them, they have a very impressive catalogue of games! And they are all in Spanish and English, with very decent translation, so nothing to fear regarding the country of origin.

Inquisitio review

In Inquisitio, the players are people accused of witchcraft and being tortured by the Spanish Inquisition (I know “No one expects the Spanish Inquisition”. Let’s get that joke out of the way… yawn!) to extract confessions. And it is rather brutal, as brutal as the methods the Inquisition used in the name of God.

Review: Sentinels of the Multiverse

Sentinels of the Multiverse, a cooperative super hero card game from a young company called Greater than Games, where each player takes the role of a hero or heroine and defend the world from a variety of villains hell bent on destroying everything.