Category: Paco Garcia Jaen

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 73–Kuznia Gier with Piotr Zuchowski

The time to get a cup of tea (or coffee, or whatever), sit back and relax for a while while our favourite team of podcasters entertain you has come.

The G*M*S Magazine Podcast–Spiel 2012 episode 2

The second episode of the G*M*S Magazine podcast with the interviews we conducted in Essen is now here and ready for you. In this show we have another 6 interviews with some of the best and most interesting companies and their products.

The G*M*S Magazine Podcast episode 71–Sprocket Games with Michael Fox

We have passed the 70 mark. And 71 is a number I don’t like. It looks untidy, so hurry up and listen to the podcast so we can get on with episode 72.

Little Dead Riding Hood Review

Ahh… the adorable, ever so vulnerable and hunter/lumberjack dependent Little Red Riding Hood… Such sweetness and cuteness, huh?

Well no. In this game she’s pretty tough and the zombie werewolves are in more trouble than they can imagine. I will admit to one thing: I bought this game because it has zombies in it. Pure and simple. I love zombies, even if they come in the unlikely shape of werewolves.

River Dragons review

By Paco Garcia Jaen I will never understand why, despite sitting at the table with people I genuinely like and enjoy the company off – thus being people I’d never wish any bad things upon – I absolutely adore backstabbing and, generally, screwing my friends plans when we play a game. Probably more than I…
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